All is Well!

No matter what today brings, all will be well in me. Let’s make that decision now.

It may bring ideas we don’t like, conversations we may not want to take part in, uncomfortable situations, or events where our body or mind may feel out of control. But all is well in me because I choose to be well.

Let’s remember that everything comes for a reason. It may be a lesson. It may be part of a healing process. It may be an event I or a community needs to wake-up and focus on what matters.

So if toxic actions of others are in your space, maybe it’s your opportunity to learn to step away or to speak up. Only you know what you need to learn. It’s all part of the school of life.

If your day brings, overwhelming circumstances at work or at home, it’s an opportunity to step physically and mentally out of the situation. It may be time to listen to your inner voice, to take a break, to get help, to prioritize, or make a change. There are always choices. The solutions are on the other side of fear. This is not just a popular saying. Get to know your fear. It helps me know that that’s where my growth is.

If your day brings an unexpected natural event, take a deep breath as well. An overwhelmed fearful mind is not helpful to make decisions. What can I do in this moment with what I have, and what I am able to do to be safe? Then act. Working on dealing with emotions is not easy, but we have to do our best so we can think clearly. It’s part of our growth.

Inhale deeply, close your eyes and check with your essence, then smile because all is well no matter what the world brings.

I make a decision now that all will be well within me no matter what happens. How about you?

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