Soldiers or Warriors

We are either soldiers or warriors.

A soldier follows instructions well, and fights wars or supports wars that may or may not resonate with her (or him). She serves with no regard for her wellbeing, and she may go against her beliefs and values to get the job done. She fights by habit, and it’s possible she may forget who she is in the process.

A warrior has been a soldier previously (most likely). She (He) knows how to follow instructions well, but now, she puts those instructions against her beliefs and values and decides if a battle is a worthy cause or not. A warrior spends most of her time being, rather than fighting. Yes, she may have to take out her sword which may look like words or specific actions, but since she is connected to a power greater than her, she can use those wisely. Her sword is not used for revenge or for the sake of destroying, but to help others wake-up to become warriors who listen to their own inner voices.

Being a warrior requires courage and humility. Sometimes it’s easier to stay dormant calling it being peaceful. When we are not sure if we should fight, lets reflect on the cause, our values and purpose, our state, and our resources. Does the cause align to our purpose? Are we physically and emotionaly ready? Do we have the proper tools to do it? If the answer is yes, it is time. Perfection as we define it is impossible, but we can get ourselves ready the best that we can, and that is good enough.

Today I invite you to see if you are being a soldier or a warrior and in what areas of your life. If you are being a soldier, I invite you to be courageous and take a step to choose causes that align with your values, and to choose being more often than doing.

Facebook Post- October 19, 2019

Our Humanity Steps Out

Stepping into a new way of life or a dream requires courage and vulnerability.

Courage to go deep inside ourselves to figure out what we want to keep and what we want to let go. So deep that we realize that there are two parts to us, our divinity-soul -higher self and our humanity.

Our higher self knowing that our humanity needs to evolve sends her off to learn life lessons in order to achieve a purpose.

Our humanity supported by the higher self builds up the courage to step out, and then realizes that in the process of being courageous needs to open up and be vulnerable when exposed to new things that seem so difficult especially because they are in front of others. So, fear, anxiety, shame, and doubt surface. Our humanity may come back to the higher self feeling powerless and defeated, but if you have allowed your higher self to stand strong and connected, the higher self, with compassion, will hug our humanity and explain the process of growing through the feedback received in every step we take towards a goal, a new lifestyle, and a dream worth growing for. So, our humanity tries again knowing that the higher self is with her.

The reward of sending our humanity into the world with intention is not only for building skills through practice, but building confidence, connecting with what really matters to us, building crystal clear relationships, loving ourselves, and finding something to be thankful for no matter what circumstance we are in. This, of course, brings us to joy.

Like everything in the life we are living on this Earth, is a process which requires our constant attention so we can evolve. You see, we don’t get to choose to live a life. We have to live one.

Either we design it, or it gets designed by circumstances and other people. We might as well create our situations with intention to learn and grow towards our purpose. Let’s be active participants of the creation of our learning curriculum on Earth. The process is worth it!

Facebook Post September 9, 2019